How India.Arie helped make my wish come true

Sometimes people come into your life at just the right moment. In 2016, I had the pleasure of attending Oprah Winfrey's Super Soul Sessions at Royce Hall in Los Angeles. Oprah had gathered some incredible speakers to inspire us from the stage, including the singer/ songwriter India.Arie.

With just her guitar in hand, she began a Songversation–her gift of communicating with us through song in an exchange of energy and intention. She sang her song, "I AM LIGHT" and it was as if a lightning bolt hit my heart, awakening in me a new level of commitment to make Wishbeads a reality.

This is the story of how our relationship unfolded from there. You never know how your light will touch someone else. When you connect with your light (which is the source of your wish!) and let it shine, it has a ripple effect. Trust that and shine on!

🎧 To listen to I Am Light

📺 To watch my podcast with Lee Harris