"In the event of an emergency, be sure to put your oxygen mask on first before assisting others." These seemingly obvious instructions remind us every time we fly that we will be rendered utterly useless if we don’t take care of ourselves.
And yet in real life we often put everyone’s needs ahead of our own.
I’m a mess when I’m sleep deprived, under-fed, or over-worked. As a mom and entrepreneur, it took me years to wake up and realize how important it was to prioritize my well-being so I could enjoy this wild ride called life.
In fact, the only person responsible for my well-being is ME!
Once I unshackled myself from my to-do list, I began to explore all the ways I could feel lighter in my life. I discovered new classes, new habits, and new products that lifted me up. I signed up for ceramics, enjoyed afternoon cups of home-brewed Yerba Matte, and hit the Focus Button on my computer every time I sat down to work.
Tiny shifts that have made me feel better day after day.
Well-being is a personal journey and what works for me may not work for you. In fact, it would be so boring if you simply followed someone else’s path. Instead, why not discover what might light you up?
Today I’m thrilled to pop a little self-care in your inbox from one of my favorite friends and founders, Frank Ricciardi of Maavee. He’s built a platform of wellness brands (including Wishbeads!) that help individuals find the best of wellness.
The best part—a free money freebie to get started. Enjoy $20 on Maavee!
Sign up and you’ll find $20 in your account to spend however you wish.
And please—while it may be tempting to spend this cash on a great gift for someone, do yourself a favor and spend it on YOURSELF. You deserve it, my friend.