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Create the perfect set with 10 or more intention bracelets & necklaces.
Matte Rose Quartz Shine Intention Bracelet
Love + Forgiveness
Matte Black Onyx Shine Intention Bracelet
Protection + Healing
Matte Grey Agate Shine Intention Bracelet
Balance + Stability
Matte Light Jade Shine Intention Bracelet
Wealth + Wisdom
Sea Sediment Jasper Shine Bracelet
Stability + Clarity
Chakra Shine Intention Bracelet
Energize 7 Chakras
Recycled Glass Earth Shine Bracelet
Limited Edition
Recycled Glass Rainbow Shine Bracelet
Limited Edition
Recycled Glass Rose Shine Bracelet
Limited Edition
Carnelian Shine Intention Jewelry Gift Set
Creativity + Passion
Rose Quartz Shine Intention Jewelry Gift Set
Love + Forgiveness
Black Onyx Shine Intention Jewelry Gift Set
Protection + Healing