2024 New Moon Wishing with The Tarot Lady

Everything in my life is timed via the cosmos.

I’ve been doing this ever since I discovered astrology, back at the tender age of 15. At that time, I was simply trying to understand who I was. But over time, I began to see that I was part of the Universe and when I learned to work with the energy, my life became magical. Instead of swimming upstream, I moved with the flow. Sometimes that meant taking bold action. Other times, I needed to sit still and wait.

Knowing how to operate like this took away some of my anxiety; something I’ve struggled with since I was a tot. Astrology gave me a sense of control.

My favorite way of dancing with the astrological currents is by setting intentions on the New Moon.

This practice has created miracles in my life. As I look back over my old journals, I’m always amazed at how many things manifested - sometimes in better ways than I could have imagined.

When I began this practice, I was a bit willy-nilly. I would set intentions around anything (usually money) without specifics. This created results that were also half-baked. Sometimes I would get what I want but there was often a catch to it.

Once I got precise with my intentions and the astrological phase of the New Moon, the outcomes were mind-blowing.

Here’s how to set a New Moon intention that really works.

You’ll need a journal, a pen, and a copy of New Moon Astrology by Jan Spiller.

I also recommend Llewellyn’s Astrological Calendar because it’s simple to use, even for total astrology newbies.

  1. Look for the New Moon symbol on your calendar.
    Most calendars will display a filled-in black circle to represent the New Moon.

  2. Next, determine what astrological sign that New Moon is in.
    For example, is the New Moon in Taurus? Or Capricorn? This is important because each sign “rules” different parts of your life. For example, setting an intention on wealth is better in Taurus than in Pisces because Taurus rules money.

  3. Find out what time the New Moon occurs.
    You’ll want to do your intention setting as close to the exact time as possible.

  4. When the New Moon arrives, sit with your journal and write down ten wishes.
    Be sure to phrase them like this: “I want to easily find myself attracting clients who are happy to pay me large sums of money.” The “easily” part helps the Universe know that you want to receive your wish without a struggle.

  5. Once you’ve written down your ten intentions, close the book.
    Put it aside, and trust that the Universe is working to find a way to fulfill your wish.

2024 New Moon Dates and Stone Pairings

Using the New Moon to set your intentions with your Wishbeads jewelry is a powerful way to turbo-charge your wishes!

New Moon Dates

Time (ET)

Astrological Sign

Ideal Stone

January 11

06:58 AM

♑ Capricorn


February 09

06:00 PM

♒ Aquarius


March 10

04:02 AM

♓ Pisces


April 08

01:22 PM

♈ Aries


May 07

10:23 PM

♉ Taurus

Rose Quartz

June 06

07:39 AM

♊ Gemini


July 05

05:58 PM

♋ Cancer


August 04

06:13 AM

♌ Leo

Black Onyx

September 02

08:57 PM

♍ Virgo


October 02

01:50 PM

♎ Libra

Lapis Lazuli

November 01

07:48 AM

♏ Scorpio

Botswana Agate

December 01

01:23 AM

♐ Sagittarius


December 30

05:28 PM

♑ Capricorn

African Turquoise

These are only a few suggestions. New Moon Astrology will give you clear, useful intentions and more ideas on how to craft your perfect New Moon wish. There is great power when you combine your wishing with astrological transits.

Follow the Moon and you’ll be charting your way to the destiny you want!

Theresa Reed the Tarot Lady

Theresa Reed (aka “The Tarot Lady”) has been a full-time Tarot card reader for close to 30 years.

She is the author of The Tarot Coloring Book, an illustrated tour through the world of Tarot with coloring sheets for every card in the deck. Theresa is also the author of Astrology For Real Life (A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious) and the co-author of Tarot for Troubled Times with Shaheen Miro.

In addition to doing private Tarot readings, teaching Tarot classes, and speaking at Tarot conferences, Theresa also runs a popular website — TheTarotLady.com, where she dishes out advice, inspiration and tips for Tarot lovers of all experience levels. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram!