Michelle Edgar transformed her life during the pandemic. A successful music executive, Founder of both The XX Project and Music Unites, she knew how to hustle and make things happen. When the pandemic hit, after losing her step-father, she decided to make some big changes.
In our podcast, Michelle shares her story of how she went from walking around her neighborhood to training with a running coach at UCLA to ultimately running in competitions. After running over 1,000 miles in less than a year, she's never felt happier, stronger, and more alive.
As Founder & CEO of The XX Project, Michelle has built a community of female leaders to propel women to their next phase of personal and professional success, shift them into an empowered state of self, realign with authentic goals and values, add significant relationships to their network, and provide a supportive community.
I've been a proud member for years and I can tell you firsthand about the power of a community of women supporting one another! I'm in awe of how she took a challenging moment in her life as the spark for a personal transformation.